Working in 6 counties in both NC & SC, I have seen many a well and septic system. My first home had a septic system, and it worked perfectly, with a little attention and minor maintenance. True story: Make sure the septic lid is not cracked, or you'll be running through the yard squealing while spraying mutant palmetto bugs.
Buying or Building?
When buying a home, be sure to have the well and septic inspected. If you're building, you'll need to contact the county health department who likely oversees the initial stages of well and septic installation, including permitting. You'll need a "perc test".
North Carolina Links:
South Carolina Links:
Water Supply Well Tips
Protect your wellhead Keep all potential sources of contamination 100 feet or more from the well.
Do not store chemicals in your well house.
Sample the well annually for bacteria and keep a record on maintenance
Repairs to a well should be completed by a certified well contractor.
Here's a link:
Septic System Care
Regularly pump the septic tank
Locate the septic lid and keep it marked
Know and adhere to the minimum maintenance requirements for your system
Keep records on the design, location, and maintenance activities
Immediately respond to a failing system by calling in the experts.
Repair leaky faucets and toilets
Direct storm water and irrigation away from the drainage field
Think proper landscaping: Keep trees and shrubs out of the drainage field
Remember, nothing should be built over the septic tank or drainage field. If in doubt, call in an expert before building a shed, pool, or patio
Your county health department is there to assist, answer questions, and refer to water sampling.